deRe R tYmes, wHen i feeL Lyfe has Let meEh dOwn bUt i KnOe, daT deRe ish a SpecIaL persOn whO watChes Ova meEh. i dO nOt knOe whO it ish buT aLL i knOe ish daT she Or he ish KeepIng a cLoze Eye on meEh Dis SpeCiaL persOn ish hea ta guIde meEh thRu my mOst tRoubLesOme tyMes i dO nOt knOe y dis peRsOn ish hea, but aLL i knOe dat dis speciaL peRson whOse heA ta watcH meEh ish mAh gUardiaN aNgeL she Or he wiLL nOt Let meEh dOwn, nOw daT i Have seEn wUt Lyfe has ta OffeR ta meEh. |
*`':,(*`':,  ,:'`*),:'`*
hOpefuLLy ya enjOyed mah pOem. |
bE sure tO sign n mah G-bOok tOo.. |
Please check out allah mah links on mah third payge.. |
....,(*'`:,(*`':,  ,:'`*),:'`*),....
SuP...sUp...n weLcOmez tO mAh LoveLy hOmePayge...I knOe ish nOt aLL daT...I finaLLy puT maH pixCha ya can LoOk how i LoOks LiKe...aLso i gOst maH paYge uPdaTed mOre toO...sO hoPefuLLy ya LiKed wuT i aDded to maH paYge... Yeh i knOe ish tOo pinkiE coLored bUt iM dedIcaTin diS paYge ta mah LiLo anGeL.
WeLL hea R sum PixChas fOe aLL of Ya ta PeEp aT: |
dis ish mah LiLo angeL guRL |

....(*`':,(*`':, ,:'`*),:'`*).... |
these R pictUres daT reMynd meEh of mah LiLo babeE gUrL...da One that means my whOLe Life. She ish the ReasOn why I am stiLL hea tOday in da wOrLd. |
diS isH a pIx of meEh n mah HubBy JerRy.... dIs was TakeN in 2000 |
Hea R suM mOre pixchas bUt dey R heLLa oLd thO...ya pRobabLy knOe One of em... |
mah Otha gUrLs...369 K.g's |
 Jody & Mary 
WeLps...i'm still gonna update mah frends until i do i guess deese be da pixchas ya gonna be peepin at...hehehe....welps...jez keep on checkin baccs to see if i updated mah payge or keep in touch aitey... |
Plz sign mah gbookie b4 u go...i wonna knoe wutcha all think bout mah payge...n plz feel free to come visit again next time aitey. |
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